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1.The king was brave and not content with the present situation, so he always ________ (seek) to expand his country.

2.In order to stay ________(精力充沛), sitting workers need to exercise on a regular basis.

3.It’s great for women to have their children and jobs ________ (combine).

4.In some poor African areas, many children die of ________(饥饿)every year.

5.Last year, too much rain ________ (account) for the poor crop.

6.People are not allowed to take photos in this museum without ________(允许).

7.I ________ (intend) to take a holiday last year, but I wasn’t able to get away.

8.I have ________(查阅)a number of law books in the British Museum.

9.She was happy and sang to the music with her hand waving ________ (gentle).

10.I think what ________(使……印象深刻)me about his painting is the color he uses.

