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(A) Some things about Emily Dickinson’s life were strange and mysterious(神秘的). She was born in 1830, in a rich and well-known family in Amherst, Massachusetts. She had a brother and a sister. Emily was shy and quiet, but she had friends. She went to parties like other young girls of her age and met young men. But she did not fall in love with any of them and never married.

(B) Dickinson died at the age of 55. Her sister found her poems, and they were finally published. Sadly, Emily Dickinson did not live to enjoy her great success.

(C)For a long time, Emily Dickinson did not want to see her friends. She stayed at home, read, worked in the garden and wrote poems. Emily wrote her poems everywhere. She wrote them on bits of newspapers or anything that was near. Later, she wrote them out carefully. When she was 28, something happened. Emily was very upset. No one knows why. Some people said she loved a married man. Others said she was unhappy because nobody wanted to publish her poems. She kept on writing anyway.

(D) Emily Dickinson was a very famous American poet. She wrote about 2,000 poems, but only four were published in her lifetime. No one wanted to publish her works because it was different from what other poets wrote. After Dickinson died, her poems were finally published. Then she became famous.

(E) As she got older, Emily often wanted to be alone. When someone came to her house, she ran upstairs to hide. For the last 16 years of her life, she never left her home. The curtains were always closed. She dressed only in white. One day Emily became ill, but she did not let the doctor go to her room. He could only see her from the doorway.

请阅读上面A、B、C、D 、E 五段话,然后给五段话排列顺序,使文章通顺,意思连贯。

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