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It was 18:15. Rob waited outside the cinema impatiently. His friend, Steve, was supposed to meet him in five minutes.

Both of them really liked movies and tried to see one almost every week, but lately Steve had been arriving later and later. If he didn't arrive soon, they wouldn't have time to get popcorn and drinks before the movie started. They might even miss the previews(预告)!Rob grumbled(发牢骚)while he waited.

He watched cars arriving at the parking lot, trying to find Steve's blue car. However, watching cars made him more irritated(恼怒的).He was almost sure Steve would be late.

Rob checked his watch one more time. There was only one minute left…Then he heard a voice. "Rob, I made it!”

Rob turned around and saw his friend Steve. He looked at his watch again. Steve was on time.

"Well, let's go then,”Rob suggested. He reached for his wallet then, so he could buy a ticket. Where was his wallet? He looked around worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked.

"I don't have my wallet.”

"Go and check in your car.”

Rob ran across the parking lot. By the time he got his wallet from his car and bought a ticket, he'd already missed the previews and he didn't have time to get popcorn or a drink. Steve shared his popcorn, but Rob could hardly eat it.

When the movie was over, Rob said to Steve, "I'm sorry, Steve. I was grumbling about you being late, but then I was the one who was late.”

"Don' t worry. It happens to all of us.”

"I see now. Thanks for understanding.”

"That's what friends are for,”Steve said.

1.When was Steve supposed to meet Rob?

A.At 18:00. B.At 18:10. C.At 18:15. D.At 18:20.

2.How many times did Rob check his watch?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. D.Four times.

3.Rob ran to the parking lot to

A.get his ticket B.check his car

C.get his wallet D.find his friend

4.Rob felt sorry because he __________.

A.was late himself B.missed the previews

C.didn't like the movie D.had no time to buy a drink

