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A wealthy man asked an old wise man to help his son get rid of his bad habits. The wise man took the youth for a walk through a garden. Stopping suddenly he asked the boy to pull out a tiny plant growing there.

The youth held the plant between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it out. The old man then asked him to pull out a slightly bigger plant. The youth pulled hard and the plant came out, “Now pull out that one," said the old man pointing to a bush. The boy had to use all his strength to pull it out.

“Now take this one out," said the old man, pointing to a bigger tee. The youth grasped the trunk and tried to pull it out. But it would not move. "It's impossible" said the boy, out of breath with the effort.

“So it is with bad habits," said the wise man. “When they are young it is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be uprooted."

1.What did the youth do with the small plant?

A.Pulling it out easily. B.Keeping it in hand.

C.Planting it happily. D.Taking it away.

2.How did the youth feel after pulling out the bush?

A.Tired. B.Excited. C.Angry. D.Sad.

3.Why did the old man ask the youth to pull out plants of different sizes?

A.To test his strength. B.To make fun of him.

C.To explain something. D.To tell him a story.

4.According to the story, what can we do with bad habits?

A.The earlier to drop them, the better. B.It's easy to drop them suddenly.

C.Never let them grow in you. D.Always get control of them.

