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Lingling: I especially like the fact that I have easy access (进入) to the Internet. And it’s great that I have Google Maps on my phone, so that when I get lost I can just look up where I am and find my way back. But I don't really want to say ...I depend too much on the phone. That’s the worst part.

Daming: I love the fact that my mobile phone has the Internet. That’s the best thing about having the Internet everywhere. The worst thing is that people can reach you, especially by calling you. Just send me an email. That would be great .

Betty: I have a very old phone, so I can’t really do much with it. However, it's also kind of nice because it makes me be more of a face to face person, instead of always being on my phone. So that's good.

Ms Li: I have one of the simplest mobile phones, which I actually really like because I’m not really tempted(受引诱的) to be on it all the time. So compared with texting people, talking with people around gives me more pleasure.

1.What does Lingling do when she gets lost?

A.She calls for a taxi at once. B.She uses Google Maps on the phone.

C.She asks the police for help. D.She makes a phone call to her family.

2.For Daming, what would it be the best?

A.To have a private world B.To keep in touch with friends

C.To receive emails in time D.To use the Internet everywhere

3.The underlined word “it” refers to________.

A.The Internet B.The old phone.

C.The simplest phone D.Google Maps

4.What do Betty and Ms Li prefer to do?

A.Turn off their phones sometimes. B.Talk with people face to face

C.Stay on their phones all the time D.Change their phones for better ones

5.What are the four people are mainly talking about?

A.Why they need their mobile phones

B.Whether to say goodbye to mobile phones

C.How to surf the Internet on their mobile phones

D.What they like and dislike about their mobile phones

