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Global English Club

☆English training in four skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing.

☆4-month (800 yuan), 6-month (1,400 yuan) and one year (2,500 yuan) courses.

☆Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon. ~ Fri.

☆All native teachers from Canada and USA.

☆Tel: 887 - 2806

☆Add: 306 Xinhua Road

Body-building Club

◇All facilities (设备) supplied.

◇On the top floor of Sunny Hotel.

◇Every evening from 6:00 to 9:00, Mon. ~Sun.

◇Drinks and fruits ready for you during breaks.

◇Tel: 635 - 3188

◇Add: 369 Dunhuang Road

Piano Club

★ One-to-one training on Sat, & Sun. from 2:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. (150 yuan per hour)

★Experienced teachers.

★Pianos supplied for free.

★Convenient transportation.

★Tel: 875 - 6038

★Add: 808 Park Road

1.If you want to improve your English, what will you do?

A.You will dial 635 - 3188.

B.You will have classes either in the morning or evening.

C.You will go to 808 Park Road.

D.You will have classes both in the morning and evening.

2.How much do you need to pay for one-to-one piano training every time?

A.300 yuan. B.150 yuan. C.450 yuan. D.800 yuan.

3.If Jim is exercising in the Body-building Club, where can you find him?

A.At 808 Park Road. B.On the highest floor of Sunny Hotel.

C.At 696 Dunhuang Road. D.At 306 Xinhua Road.

