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A butcher(屠夫)is in his meat shop one day when a dog walks in. It has an envelope in its mouth. The butcher takes it out of the dog's mouth and opens it. Inside, there's ¢20, and a(n) ________. It says, "Can I have a dozen pork chops(猪排)and a steak please?" The butcher is _____. He gives the dog the ______in a bag, and puts it around the dog's neck.

The next day, the same thing happens. But this time, the butcher decides to ______ the dog home. So, when the dog leaves the shop, the man walks after it. He watches when the dog stops at some traffic lights. The dog presses the button to cross the road and waits. The green "man" on the traffic light ______ and the dog crosses, carefully watching for traffic. Next, the dog arrives at a bus stop. It waits ______ again and jumps onto a bus when it comes. The butcher is very surprised and ______ on his way.

Finally, the dog ______ the bus and walks to a house. The man watches from the street as the dog starts scratching(抓)at the door with his paw. After a couple of seconds, a woman ______ the door and starts shouting at the dog. The butcher runs to the woman and says, "Hey! What are you doing? This dog is fantastic. He's the ______ animal I've ever seen." And the woman replies, "What? This is the third time this week he's forgotten his key."

1.A.newspaper B.note C.e-mail D.invitation

2.A.annoying B.angry C.amazed D.ashamed

3.A.meat B.vegetable C.envelope D.order

4.A.take B.carry C.follow D.lead

5.A.sings B.walks C.shouts D.waves

6.A.patiently B.exactly C.quickly D.suddenly

7.A.stops B.continues C.avoids D.returns

8.A.gets to B.gets on C.gets off D.gets down

9.A.opens B.closes C.breaks D.knocks

10.A.most healthy B.laziest C.funniest D.smartest

