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This September, you will become a senior high school student and enter a whole new world. But what should you expect from your freshman-year(一年级)of senior high school?

You're going to make new friends

Making new friends is exciting in senior high school. 1.You need to keep yourself open to find others to sit with you and share your lunch. Other freshmen will be going through the same situation as you. If you see another freshman struggling (挣扎), open up a seat for him at your table.

Teachers expect more

Your homework will increase greatly, and expectations from your teachers will be much greater than they were before. 2. Learning how to study well is rather important in senior high school.

There’re a lot more chances to do and learn things

One of the greatest things about high school is that there are so many more chances to join in activities that interest you. 3.

You need to be more organized(有条理的)

With all the new chances, you will need to be more organized. 4.Organizing your time is a skill that will help you with your study and life.

There will be change

The key to making your freshman year successful is to know that there will be change, no matter what. Senior high school is a whole new experience. You are growing up and moving forward 5.


A. Accept the change and change yourself.

B You’ll be taking classes with people you've never met before.

C You'll have more homework, more papers and harder exams.

D It's not always easy to balance(平衡)homework, tests, after-school activities and more.

E. Joining in these activities allows you to meet new people and find out what you're interested in.

