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W: Have you booked the airplane tickets to Shanghai yet, Mike?

M: Well, Honey! I thought we could travel by ship for a change, so I booked ship tickets1..

W: You didn’t 2. that with me. And I know nothing about it.

M: We wanted to give you a 3. . Don't you like the idea?

W: I like it all right, but it takes much more time to travel by ship than by plane.

M: We have time, don't we? Every time we are on a trip, we've always been tied down by busy schedules (日程安排) . This time will be different. We don't have to4..

W: You're right. This is our first trip since you retired(退休). We can 5.enjoy our private space and time.

M: Right! That will be an easy trip6. stress.

W: Well, when shall we start? I want to buy a sun hat.

M: A sun hat? I thought you7.using an umbrella.

W: Aha! Have you ever seen8.use an umbrella on a ship deck(甲板)?

M: Not yet. Uh, one more thing, I'm sorry to tell you that our son9. to go this time.His teacher said10. that no place was better than the neighborhood for all the kids this holiday. The teacher was not kidding.

W: In that case, it's better for us to change our plan. After all, the entrance exam to high school is coming soon, so being with our son at home is necessary during this special period.

M: It makes sense. I'm for you!

