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President Xi Jinping extended his congratulations (祝贺) to villagers of Xiadang Township, Shouning County of Fujian Province on their shaking off (摆脱) poverty (贫困), and encouraged them to keep trying and hold hard-working spirit. Xi made the remarks (言论) when replying to a letter from the villagers.

After 30 years of unremitting struggle (不懈奋斗) by the people, Xiadang has become a great place which can be reached easily by road, while local residents (居民) have a stronger sense of happiness and fulfillment, which just proves the old saying that weak birds take flight early, and constant dropping wears away a stone, Xi said.

In close to 40 years of reform (改革) and opening up, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we Chinese have forged ahead, fearless and determined (坚决的), and we have successfully walked out a socialist (社会主义) road with Chinese characteristics (特色).

1.Why did President Xi extend his congratulations to villagers of Xiadang Township, Shouning County of Fujian Province?

A.Because they were rich.

B.Because they overcame poverty.

C.Because he was a president.

D.Because they keep trying and hold hard-working spirit.

2.What is the meaning of underlined sentence?

A.以卵击石,不自量力。 B.不忘初心,方得始终。

C.笨鸟先飞,滴水穿石。 D.吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Xiadang has become a great place which local residents have a sense of happiness.

B.China has reformed and opened up for nearly 40 years.

C.President Xi visited Shouning County of Fujian Province.

D.In close to 40 years of reform and opening up, we Chinese have made great progress.

