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One day a young painter went by a garden. He was attracted by the beauty of the garden.He imagined how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was_____Surprised, the painter asked that old man, "Why are you looking after these flowers since you can't see them? "The gardener answered, "I can tell you ____reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, ____ I can’t see the flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can ____ the fragrance(香味) of them. As for the last one, that’s ____ “Me? But you don't know me, "said the painter.

“Yeah,it’s_____ that I don't know you. But I know flowers are beautiful angels(天使).people will look at my garden and the beauty will make them feel_____. It also gives me a chance to speak with you now. At the same time we enjoy the happiness these flowers have ____ us." The old man's words surprised the painter and gave him much pleasure.

The man grows flowers in order that everybody can______their beauty. The gardener in the garden is alone but not lonely. All passers-by are his friends; all flowers are his neighbors.

I believe every flower has eyes. They can see the______of the old man’s heart and the beauty of his soul(灵魂).

1.A.stupid B.deaf C.blind

2.A.three B.four C.five

3.A.however B.although C.unless

4.A.smoke B.hear C.smell

5.A.you B.me C.him

6.A.easy B.true C.honest

7.A.unfair B.good  C.strange

8.A.brought B.taken C.carried

9.A.borrow B.enjoy C.lend

10.A.kindness B.value C.truth

