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The book I would like to talk about is The Merchant of Venice. The book is a dramatic work by Shakespear, an English famous writer in the 16th century. It talks about something happening between merchants in Venice. The main characters are Bassanio, Portia, Shylock and Antonio.

The drama begins with Antonio, who helps Bassanio borrow money from Shylock, and then brings out other stories. Bassanio is a poor merchant. He needs money to follow his dream to marry Portia—a very beautiful and rich lady. He first wants to borrow money from his friend Antonio, also a merchant in Venice. Antonio borrows the money from a Jewish rich merchant Shylock. Antonio does much harm to Shylock before because Antonio really hates Jewish. Shylock is a little mean and loves money very much. He always gets interest from the people who borrow money from him. Antonio promises he will pay the money back in three months, or Shylock will be allowed to cut out 1 pound of flesh out of Antonio’s body.

Bassanio successfully wins the love of Portia but soon realizes his friend can not pay the money back to Shylock on time. Bassanio returns to Venice as fast as he can and attends a trial(审讯).The reason why Antonio isn’t able to pay is because his ships are caught in storm. Portia, dressing up as a young lawyer, claims (声称) that the words “ 1 pound of flesh” not “1 pound of flesh and blood”. She says that Shylock is only allowed to remove flesh, but not any blood, which is impossible. Thus, she helps make Antonio safe and make Shylock fail. At the same time, Shylock loses most of his money. At the end,        .

1.The drama has ________ main characters mentioned in this passage.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

2.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The story happens between merchants in England in the 17th century.

B. Antonio can’t return the money because his ships are caught in storm.

C. Shylock is a Jewish rich merchant and he is generous to everyone.

D. Portia is a real lawyer and she is clever enough to save Antonio’s life.

3.Which one can be used to describe Bassanio?

① A true friend   ② A romantic lover   ③ A poor merchant   ④ A mean Jewish

A. ①②④ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②③

4.We can put ___________ in the blank “       ” in Paragraph 3.

A. Antonio takes pity on Shylock

B. Bassanio and Portia have a happy ending

C. everyone including Shylock lives a happy life

D. everyone including Shylock lives a sad life

