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In one way, it is the “greatest” drone ever. In another, though, it is the opposite of what a drone should be. Drone should be very lazy. They don’t have to work. Only their sister should be busy pollinating (传授花粉) and producing honey. However, for this drone, pollination is the very reason fur its existence (存在).

The drone, in fact is an invention of Ejiro Miyako. Miyako is a scientist from Japan. Many people, including Miyako have been worried about the future of food industry. Pollinating insects, especially bees, are falling in number. As a result, some plants can’t get pollinated and there will be fewer plants for us to eat. Scientists have been working hard to increase the number of bees. Unfortunately, they have had little success. Perhaps, Miyako thinks, it is time to build some robot bees instead.

Miyako’s bee, in fact, does not look much like a bee. It is based on a quad-copter. Miyako has put some brush hair on it. The hair is covered in special glue. They are able to pick up and hold grains of pollen(花粉) until they brush up against something else.

At the moment, Miyako’s robot bee still needs help from human operators. That’s because it can’t see where its target (目标) are. In the next step, Miyako will install visual recognition (视觉识别) software on his bee. After that, the robot bee will be able to see by itself.

1.In the first paragraph, the underlined “drone” refers to a kind of ________.

A. flower B. bee C. honey D. software

2.Ejiro Miyako is worried that ________ in the future.

A. we may be short of food

B. natural bees may not produce honey

C. his robot bee can’t see

D. natural drones can’t pollinate plants

3.Ejiro Miyako’s invention is used to ________.

A. produce honey B. watch natural bees work

C. pollinate plants D. increase the number of natural bees

4.Which of the following is a must for Ejiro Miyako’s invention?

A. Pollen. B. Drones and their sisters.

C. Brush hair. D. Visual recognition software.

5.According to the article, what will Ejiro Miyako do in the next step?

A. Produce more robot bees.

B. Fill his garden with robot bees.

C. Allow robots to pick up pollen.

D. Make his robot bees work independently.

