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The benefits of the following changes will keep you going in your whole life.

Get outside for just five minutes a day.

Spending five minutes walking is easy for everyone. Even if you don’t have time to do exercise, that short walk during your lunch break or while waiting for soccer practice to end could offer you some benefits. 1. A study in the journal Environmental Science Technology found that a short burst of exercise in the fresh air could bring benefits to mental health too.


It is difficult to force yourself to go to bed earlier, but you can at least aim at the most peaceful sleep when you finally do go to bed at night. Your bright screen could be keeping you from getting your best night’s sleep. 3..

Look for beauty in life.

Make a point of looking for beauty in the world, and you could improve general happiness. A study in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that people who wrote down three beautiful human behaviors, three examples of natural beauty, and three other beautiful things they noticed every day were happier after one month than those who didn’t. 4..

Laugh more.

Whether it’s talking to a friend who tells jokes, reading posts from your favorite comedian, or watching videos of kittens doing tricks, figure out what activities make you laugh. 5. Laughter helps you forget about sadness. Plus, the American Heart Association says that laughing can decrease stress hormones, and make you feel relaxed.

A. And do them often.

B. Turn off your phone before bed.

C. You will break the cycle of sitting and burn extra calories.

D. People who use cellphones before bed take longer to fall asleep.

E. Put your phone down, make eye contact, and ask follow-up questions.

F. You can write a journal to record the beautiful things in your life.

G. Spending a few minutes each day thinking of nothing can help focus on your task.

