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Nearly each country in the world has its official honors reserved (保留) for outstanding people. For instance, in the United State, the highest civilian honor is the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In China, there are also such official honors given to people who have made outstanding contributions (贡献)to the nation's construction and development.

On Sept. 17, 2019, President Xi Jinping signed a presidential decree (主席法令) to award 42 individuals the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and various honorary titles.

Shen Jilan, an 89 year old farmer, is one of the eight people who were awarded the Medal of the Republic. She is the only person in China who has served at all 13 National People's Congresses (人民代表大会) since 1954. She is the very witness to the development of the People's Congress system. It was she who put forward the clause on “equal pay for equal work” between men and women, which was written into the first Constitution of PRC in 1954.

Tu Youyou, who had received the Nobel Medicine Prize in 2015,was also awarded the Medal of the Republic. She is famous for finding out Qinghaosu, which has helped to save millions of lives. Before the discovery, malaria is a deadly disease to people of tropical developing countries in South Asia, Africa and South America. Therefore, her discovery of Qinghaosu and its treatment of this disease is considered as an important breakthrough in the 20th century.

Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻), received the Medal of the Republic as well. He is known for his great contributions to hybrid rice research and the wonderful work he has done to improve rice production in many developing countries. Judging from his appearance, he looks like a farmer rather than a scientist, with his sunburnt face and slim, strong body. That is because he always works under the sun for a long time and that is how he developed hybrid rice which produces 1/3 more than normal rice.

Ye Peijian who has been devoted to China's lunar program for twenty years, received the honorary title “the people's scientist”. He is well-known as a leading scientist in deep-space exploration at the China Academy of Space Technology.

1.Based on the presidential degree,__________________.

A.Shen Jilan was awarded the presidential medal for the clause on "equal pay for equal work"

B.Tu Youyou received the Friendship Medal for her contribution to find out Qinghaosu

C.Yuan Longping was awarded the highest Civilian Honor for his hybrid rice research

D.Ye Peijian received the honorary title “the people's scientist” in 2019

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Shen Jilan didn’t get equal pay for equal work as men.

B.Malaria helped Tu Youyou to discover Qinghaosu to treat disease

C.Yuan Longing has improved the word rice production by 30%

D.Ye Peijian has had rich experience in deep-space exploration

3.Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A.An advertisement. B.A science fiction.

C.A heath journal. D.A news report

4.What adjectives can be used to describe the four persons?

A.Devoted and hard-working B.Creative and easy going.

C.Polite and devoted. D.Honest and patient.

5.What is the writer going to talk about following the last paragraph?

A.Ye Peijian's work at the China Academy of Space Technology.

B.Tu youyou's devotion to the discovery of Qinghaosu.

C.Yuan Longping's great work in hybrid rice research.

D.The development of the People's Congress system.

