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Welcome to The Film Review Programme!Today we're reviewing some of this week's new films. Let's start with this week's likely hit,Jungle Fever. Some of you may remember last year's TV documentary film about a family of tigers in India. Well,this is an unusual cartoon based on that programme and I can report that it's great fun for people of any age.

Don't miss Swim!,a comedy which takes a look at learning to swim as an adult. It's about a 20—year—old man who wants to join his friends when they swim in the lake near his home. So, he goes to the local pool to take lessons. Be prepared to laugh until it hurts!

And now it's competition time,so I hope you've listened carefully and made some notes!If you want to enter this month's competition,just go online and answer the ten questions in our quiz. Go to www. movies.com and select your answers.

Last month,we gave out free restaurant tickets as a prize—this time we're offering cinema tickets which you can use at a choice of exciting places.

You must complete your entry by May 28th. Make sure you've finished by 2:00 pm when the competition closes. We'll announce the winners on May 30th—and if you're lucky,the prize will be yours by the second week in June. Good luck and goodbye!

1.What kind of programme is it?


2.Which film is probably the most successful one this week?


3.How many films have they reviewed in today's programme?


4.The film Swim isn't a funny film,isn't it?


5.How can you enter this month's competition?


6.Do you want to take part in the competition?Why or why not?


