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Traffic Safety in China

The most important thing that you should pay highest attention to during your China tours is traffic safety. 1. Below are some detailed practical tips for keeping you safe whether you are on foot, cycling, or in a vehicle:


Be aware of the traffic rules. 2. Watch for the traffic when crossing the road and do not jay walk (乱穿马路) even if others may do so. Crosswalks are designed to assist pedestrians who wish to cross the road - be sure to use them.

Riding a Bike

It is safest to take the bicycle path when cycling and the traffic rules must be obeyed. Please pay attention to pedestrians who cross the road in front of you.

On Bus

Fastening your seat belt especially when on the expressway may save your life in an accident.   3. Try to chat with others or look at the scenery outside the window. Have some medicine on hand for travel sickness. It is important to be careful and guard against theft.


The flight regulations (规章制度) must be strictly observed, and you should follow the stewards’ instructions, including when to fasten your seat belt.


Find out about the road conditions and make sure you have your seat belt fastened at all times. 5. Do not speed and do not park your car inappropriately. Find out about the different traffic rules in different countries and get accustomed to them quickly.

A. On Airplane.

B. On Cruise Ship.

C. Do not drive after drinking alcohol.

D. Do not sleep, even if you are very tired.

E. After all, keeping safe is our guarantee (保证) of a wonderful visit.

F. Walk on the sidewalk and be careful to give way to motor vehicles.

G. Do not carry luggage and keep some space between you and the bike ahead.

