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How to Welcome Change in Your Life

Do you enjoy the road you are now on or resist and avoid change at all costs when a recent event has shaken you greatly? Here are things you can do while feeling uncertain to choose differently to change the way of your life.

Don’t react.

What do we do when we don’t know what to do? First, stop, take a deep breath and don’t do anything. 1. It is having faith and trusting what you do know in the unknown.

Reflect on the past.

Another activity is to recall times in your life when you were faced with an unknown. Then, think about how you dealt with the situation.2. Use your past experiences to bring you strength, and to remind you what you are able to do.

Make conscious (有意识的) decisions.

3. However, more possibilities open up when we are at peace. Go over your list of what ifs and make a more balanced list of the best and worst situations possible. Then talk to loved ones about what you would do in each situation and the choices you do have.


We often see fears as our greatest enemy, yet they provide us with a great opportunity for self-growth. What if we were to see them as friends who want to help us become a better person? Let your fears help you instead of hurting you. Then, write down what comes to you.5.

A. Don’t panic.

B. Befriend your fears.

C. You may be surprised by the answers.

D. Our choices seem limited when we are fearful.

E. Then try to stay calm with the state of “not knowing”.

F. Learning from past failures helps you make better decisions.

G. Remembering the past will remind you that you’ve gone through difficult situations.

