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Stamp collection was once considered a harmless and educational pastime for small boys. It still is — but with a difference. Grandpa and grandma have joined the small boys, along with shoe clerks, waitresses, truck drivers, college professors , businessmen, presidents and kings. Stamp collecting has today grown into big business.

All the really rare old stamps are already owned by collectors who refuse to part with them. But even if these owners were willing to sell, few people could afford to buy.

A stamp becomes valuable because it is “ rare”. Modern collectors with little money to spend have to create their own “ rarities”. One rarity that stamp collectors look for is an error in the stamp. The error may be so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. If it is there, however, it makes the stamp more valuable.

Stamp collectors have another way of making their collections rare or unusual. They bring together as many examples as they they can of a certain kind of stamp. What makes such a collection unusual is the time and the idea that went inot making it. One may collect only stamps of some color. Another may collect only stamps from a certain foreign country, or stamps connected with some person, place or event. Still other collectors are interested in the tiny holes along the edge of a stamp. They may be long or short, round or oval. Some stamps may not have them at all. Another thing that makes a stamp “ rare” is its postmark or its cancellation. Collectors go through a lot of trouble to have letters mailed to them from unusual places.

1.Grandpa and grandma have joined the small boys in collecting stamps because ________.

A.even kings and presidents are also collecting stamps.

B.they want to be with their garandsons

C.it is no longer a pastime for little boys

D.people can make a lot of money by buying and selling stamps.

2.All the really rare old stamps are sometimes owned by collectors who  ________..

A.have a lot of rare stamps B.do not understand their real value

C.want to keep them D.are anxious to sell them for a good price.

3.Errors in the stamps _______.

A.may be too small for eyes to see

B.are usually wiped out by the stamp collectors

C.will keep the value of the stamps low

D.can not be seen at all

4.One of the ways that stamps collectors make their stamps unusual is to __________.

A.collect a large number of stamps according to a certain pattern

B.sell out stamps and buy new ones

C.keep the valuable stamps only

D.spend time studying them

