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Molly Burke was not born blind. She started losing her sight when she was four. Doctor said that she had a rare eye disease that would slowly take away her eyesight completely. In first grade, she learned to read Braille (the language used for the blind) although she could still see. Life was pretty normal for the next few years. However ,in seventh grade, things got worse. Black turned to grey. Yellow turned to white. Soon, Molly couldn’t see the blackboard.

As her eyesight weakened, Molly began using stick to help her walk. This embarrassed her friends, and people stopped inviting her to do things. Then the bullying (欺凌) began.

Molly once broke her ankle and had to use crutches (拐杖) to help her walk. A group of girls, who used to be her friends did something terrible. They were usually responsible for walking Molly to the classroom. Instead, they took the blind 14-year-old outside and down a hill. “I was alone,” remembers Molly. “ I couldn’t see. Nor could I walk.” Luckily, Molly had her cell phone and was able to call her mother for help.

After she finished high school, Molly thought about what she wanted to do before going to college. Her brother was working in a children’s home in Africa, and she wanted to do some things that would help others, too. Then, she found out about Me to We, an organization that has been helping people through volunteering and developing leadership skills. She joined the organization on a youth trip to Kenya to help build a school. While there, she spoke at a local girls’ school. Molly now knew what she wanted to do next — to be one of the speakers at Me to We.

Molly has been speaking to schools all over the USA and Canada about Bullying. Her advice? Be strong! During a speech in Toronto, she spoke to about 20,000 people. They stood up and applauded wildly after her speech. Her father said, “Molly has a real ability to inspire people and to help others who are going through something whether it’s a disability, or bullying, or a different set of challenges.”

1.Why did Molly learn Braille in first grade?

A.She was blind. B.She was interested in it.

C.She would be blind someday. D.She wanted to help her blind friends.

2.What happened to Molly when she was fourteen?

A.She began to lose her eyesight. B.She was left at the foot of a hill.

C.She was beaten by her classmates. D.She had her first cell phone.

3.What did Molly do before going to college?

A.She worked in children’s home. B.She founded Me to We.

C.She taught in Africa. D.She went to Kenya.

4.Molly is sharing her own experience to help other people _____________.

A.be leaders. B.be kind persons.

C.challenge themselves. D.overcome their problems.

