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As a teenager, we are always feeling that we are not good enough, what is the best way to improve ourselves? Here is some good advice for you.

Way 1   Focus on your strengths. Enjoy the things that you are naturally good at and you will build self-confidence, efficiency and pride.

Way 2   Be proud of your achievements. No matter how big or small they are, you should be very proud of each and every one of them. Celebrate those bright moments in your life.

Way 3   Get excited about who you are. Maybe you’re a very silent, honest and considerate person, but you are unique and special. Be proud that you are not like anyone else in the world. People love you for being you.

Way 4   Share your talent. If you’ve got a talent, share it with the world, whether it’s singing, dancing, writing, or even reading. Believe it or not, there are people who could benefit greatly from you. You will notice how giving to others can make you feel so incredible.

Way 5   Forgive yourself. The past is the past. You can’t change it any more. Forgiveness is a good choice. Apologize and move on.

Way 6   Do something just for you. Take time for yourself and just relax. Rest both your mind and your body. Listen to soft music, watch the wonders of nature, enjoy a massage (按摩)… Do whatever can make you feel special and relaxed.

Fall in love with yourself! The world becomes more colorful because of you!


1.It’s important to enjoy the things that you are naturally good at.

2.Be proud of your achievements and be unique and special.

3.Giving to others can make you feel sad.

4.Never forgive the mistakes you’ve made.

5.Doing something just for you can make both your mind and your body relax.

