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Getting kids to do chores is one of the most common family problems. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is _______ . But in other families, it can be a very big _______ . These kids don't like doing chores because they think doing housework is _______ .They also_______ they're being taken away from what they enjoy doing. But _______parents feel it's their children's responsibility not only to_______around the house, but also to share in tasks and responsibilities as part of the family. However, not every kid can_______this.

In my_______, getting your child to do chores can make a battle when you allow it to grow into one. If you continue telling your kids to “do the dishes, take out the rubbish and _______ the kitchen”, but they're still not obeying, that ________ you are in that battle.

It's a good idea for parents to teach their children   ________  an early age that family people must work together to make the house clean. We can do this by starting a plan of chores when children are ________.

Chores are ________ for children. Doing chores teaches children many important ________ such as working together and being responsible(尽责的). It also teaches children the idea of________ by letting each person do his or her share(份)of the work. The skills and values from doing chores will do good to children all their lives.

1.A. clear B. easy C. right D. sore

2.A. mistake B. decision C. character D. problem

3.A. easy B. great C. funny D. boring

4.A. feel like B. sound like C. taste like D. look like

5.A. few B. several C. no D. more

6.A. help out B. get out C. find out D. hang out

7.A. find B. guess C. understand D. watch

8.A. way B. opinion C. life D. situation

9.A. cheer up B. mix up C. cut up D. clean up

10.A. means B. brings C. describes D. seems

11.A. at B. in C. under D. on

12.A. free B. young C. old D. strong

13.A. good B. interesting C. tiring D. exciting

14.A. spirits B. signs C. results D. skills

15.A. importance B. kindness C. fairness D. satisfaction

