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A Michigan boy Colin said he didn’t want to hold his 11th birthday party because he had no friends. This week Colin and his family went to a restaurant for dinner. They saw the players and coaches of the Kalamazoo Wings and felt surprised they were there.

The team talked with Colin and ________ him a one-day contract (合同). They told Colin they would allow him to join their team for their home game on Sunday. Colin would get his own jersey (球服), and even play with the players.

Colin has a condition that makes it difficult for him to relate to (与……相处) other people. This makes it a _____ for him to make friends with kids of his age. Children and adults with this condition are often highly intelligent (聪明的), but get confused (烦恼的) in social situations. They often have trouble ________ jokes. 

So his mother created a “Happy Birthday Colin” Facebook page. However, the page went viral (中毒的) and drew more than 2 million “likes”. The page has become famous and many people have read it and have _____ about him.

“It’s been just overwhelming (势不可挡的),” said Colin’s mom. “It’s been hard to adjust (调整) to suddenly being ________. I have a pretty wild imagination, but I didn’t think that would


The ________ in Colin has been his mom’s best reward for her efforts. “I have seen him grow recently because he knows he has 2.1 million friends and that it is what nobody else around him has experienced. ________ this, his self-confidence has grown greatly. It doesn’t annoy (使烦恼) him that some kids don’t ________ him because he has 2.1 million friends.”

As to Colin’s one-day contract with the team, K-Wings Head Coach Nick Bootland said, “Obviously (明显的) there are things that are much ________ than the game. If we can put a smile on a young boy’s face who deals with a lot of adversity (逆境), we’re excited about being given that chance.”

1.A. made B. paid C. got D. offered

2.A. challenge B. knowledge C. promise D. competition

3.A. sharing B. telling C. hearing D. understanding

4.A. laughed B. thought C. known D. looked

5.A. famous B. hopeful C. important D. rich

6.A. appear B. happen C. agree D. achieve

7.A. need B. interest C. character D. growth

8.A. Instead of B. Because of C. In fear of D. According to

9.A. blame B. follow C. respect D. like

10.A. farther B. better C. bigger D. harder

