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Go fly a kite

Learning how to fly a kite is simple and flying kites can be a fun form of exercise.

Of course, the first thing you need is a kite and a ball of string (线). 1. Then wait for a windy day.

When the perfect day arrives, find an open space, such as field. 2.

Before flying your kite, find out which way the wind is blowing. 3. To begin flying your kite, stand with your back to the wind and hold the kite up so the wind can catch it. If the day is not very windy, you may need to get your kite started by running.

4. At the same time, walk backwards a few steps to keep the string tight. Now that your kite is up in the air, you can decide how long to fly it and how high you want it to go.

5. Slowly wind up (卷起) the string. Try not to pull your kite in too fast or it may crash (坠落).

Flying kite is a great way to spend a windy afternoon. If you follow these steps carefully, you will have something more fun to do than sitting inside and watching TV. So on the next windy day, get up off the sofa. Go fly a kite!

A. You can do this by throwing grass into the air.

B. Finally, you will need to bring your kite down.

C. You can buy your kite and string at a toy shop.

D. Follow the instructions to put your kite together.

E. Nothing beats seeing a kite sail high into the clouds.

F. Don’t fly your kite near trees because it can get caught.

G. Once the wind catches your kite, let out more string so it can climb higher.

