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When my daughter was in grade school, one day she_______home four tiny twigs (枝条). They were trees given to the students by the school to plant._______of them looked very strong but with a hope for the future, I got a spade and planted them in our backyard. Over the years a (an)_______with the lawnmower (割草机) and poor soil brought a (an)_______to three of them. All that was left was a (an)_______evergreen.

It grew bent and very_______. It never got very tall and tilted (倾斜) to one side. In the end it looked more like a fat bush than a tree. I noticed a few years ago too that it was starting to_______. The lower branches were becoming_______. The needles on the branches a little further up had turned brown. Only the top third of the tree was still green. Last summer I did my best to save it by_______it a lot of fertilizer but my efforts ________.

This morning I went out and looked at it again. I was________whether it would be better to just cut it down. It sure would make mowing the lawn easier and I would no longer have to watch it slowly go________. As I walked over to take a closer look at it,________, I noticed something moving within the needles. It was a robin (知更鸟) patiently building a nest in the topmost branches. I________when I looked at it and decided that maybe this old tree had some life and________left in it yet. It may not be healthy or pretty but it was still giving a bird (a)________and oxygen to this world.

This tree________me of something too. All of our lives have purpose. All of our lives have ________ . It doesn’t matter if we are young and strong or old and sickly (病弱的). Until our last________, God has things for us to do, love for us to give, and joy for us to________. Until our last moment here we can help to make this world a better and more beautiful place.

1.A.got B.brought C.rushed D.returned

2.A.None B.All C.Each D.Three

3.A.failure B.incident C.accident D.character

4.A.damage B.death C.end D.hurt

5.A.only B.special C.unique D.single

6.A.slowly B.violently C.quickly D.wildly

7.A.stretch B.grow C.fall D.die

8.A.green B.bare C.lost D.powerful

9.A.delivering B.feeding C.spreading D.laying

10.A.failed B.worked C.replaced D.deserved

11.A.dreaming of B.disappointed at C.deciding on D.sorry about

12.A.mad B.tiring C.regular D.bad

13.A.therefore B.thereafter C.however D.besides

14.A.cried B.smiled C.laughed D.shouted

15.A.usefulness B.energy C.beauty D.strength

16.A.protection B.warm C.stage D.home

17.A.expected B.cured C.changed D.reminded

18.A.meaning B.beauty C.passion D.inspiration

19.A.doubt B.life C.breath D.appearance

20.A.enjoy B.share C.appreciate D.offer

