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Any snakebite can be dangerous if infection (感染) sets in. Some types of snake poison make the bite area swollen (肿胀的) or painful. Others cause bleeding or damage the heart’s nerves. Here are some especially dangerous snakes:

The largest of all poisonous snakes, king cobras can reach 5.5 meters in length. Each king cobra bite contains enough poison to kill an elephant — or 20 people. But these big snakes usually avoid people. They live throughout India, southern China and Southeast Asia.

A bite from Australia’s inland taipan, the world’s most poisonous snake, releases enough poison to kill 100 men. The good news is that people rarely come in contact with this snake, and a treatment for its poison exists.

Russell’s viper lives throughout Asia, including India, southern China, and on the island of Taiwan. It prefers grassy fields but can be found in forests and urban areas. It bites more people and causes more deaths than any other poisonous snake.

Though short, the common Indian krait packs a powerful punch (攻击) in its bite. Most often, it strikes people at night while they are sleeping. Since the bite causes little pain, victims are often not sure that they have been bitten until they begin to experience stomach cramps (痉挛). Without treatment, symptoms will worsen quickly and can lead to death.

The black mamba, a native of Africa, is actually olive or grey in color. Only the inside of its mouth is black. When black mambas feel threatened by a human, they make a loud hissing sound to warn the person away. If the warning is ignored, the snake will attack the person repeatedly. And they can attack quickly, moving over the ground at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour.

1.According to this article, what is a particular feature (特点) of the king cobra?

A. Its seasonal changes. B. Its lack of movement.

C. Its sense of hearing. D. Its amazing size.

2.According to this article, which of the following is known for its speed?

A. The inland taipan. B. The black mamba.

C. The Indian krait. D. The Russell’s viper.

3.What does the article imply about the inland taipan?

A. It is believed to have died out.

B. Meeting with it can cause death.

C. Some people keep one as a pet.

D. Very little is known about its behavior.

4.In which magazine would you most likely find this article?

A. Let’s Explore Nature B. Weekly Travel Digest

C. Psychology Magazine D. Global Warning News

