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Here are some great beach spots for your family to have some fun together.

■Galadesi Beach, Florida

To be honest, you'll hardly be alone here. Caladesi Island State Park is home to hundreds of birds nesting(栖息) among the sunflower-flecked small hills of sand. On the other hand, there is not a parking space in sight.

How to Get There: The park, off the west coast, can be gotten to by boat from Honeymoon Island State Park.

■Ruby Beach, Washington

Ruby Beach feels almost mythical(神话的),especially at low tide and in the fog. The rocks there are strange-looking, and the pools can be surprising, too

How to Get There: There's a sign seven miles north of Kalaloch on Hwy, 101. From the parking lot, follow the path through the trees, down a decline, then toward the water.

■Pfeiffer Beach, California

The rocks there are amazing. In some places, the sand is a light shade of purple. Sure, it can get windy, but that's a small price to pay for paradise.

How to Get There: The turn off is actually just past the Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park entrance, at Sycamore Canyon Rd. Drive two miles to the beach, and then walk 10 minutes north to Deer Canyon. There's no sign, but you'll know it when you see it.

■High Bar Harbor, New Jersey

It sits on Long Beach Island, one of the most popular Jersey shores. But watch the water when the tide(潮汐)comes in, you may not be able to leave until the tide goes.

How to Get There: Take Long Beach Blvd. north into the town of Barnegat Light and turn left on 20th St. ,a. k. a. Auburn Road Go a 1/3 of a mile, and then turn right at the Y-shaped crossing onto Sunset Blvd. Take it to the end. You'll see a footpath( 脚印)to the beach.

1.When you're walking on Pfeiffer Beach, you may______.

A. meet a windy day B. see some red sands C. see lots of birds D. see a parking space

2.Ruby Beach and Pfeiffer Beach have ______in common.

A. small pools B. special rocks C. purple sand D. lots of birds

3.It can be inferred when the tides come in that______.

A. Long Beach Island can be covered by water B. Long Beach Island is popular with tourists

C. the footpath to High Bar Harbor can be gone D. you may be able to leave

