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It seems like technology is everywhere. Computers and smart phones are at the center of almost everything we do. They constantly (持续地) require our attention. We text our friends with them during the day, sleep with them by our beds and check our messages as soon as we wake up.

In the future, technology will no longer be interrupting us all the time. Instead, we will use calm technology which was first developed by scientist Mark Weiser in the 1970s. In his opinion, calm technology works quietly but constantly. We know it is there, but we don’t pay much attention to it. According to Mark, the best technology should be invisible (隐形的) and let you live your life.

We already use many different types of calm technology in our everyday lives. Do you have a smoke alarm (警报器) in your house? That smoke alarm is always there, checking the air for smoke and quietly keeping you safe. It only reminds you it’s there when you’ve burnt your bread! Or there may be lights in your home or school. When somebody passes in front of their sensors (传感器), the lights turn on. You don’t think about this type of technology until you see the light go on.

In the future, we can use calm technology to open the curtains (窗帘) for us in the morning, to turn down the heat when we leave, or even to choose the best music for us. The minute we walk through the door, our house will turn on the lights and music, and perhaps even start to prepare our dinner!

1.Which of the following is an example of calm technology?

A. A computer. B. A smart phone. C. A smoke alarm. D. A radio.

2.What does the underlined word “interrupting” mean?

A. Hurting. B. Protecting. C. Helping. D. Troubling.

3.What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Calm technology keeps us safe in many ways.

B. Calm technology can help you to do housework.

C. Calm technology has been used in our daily lives.

D. Calm technology plays an important part in schools.

4.What can’t we learn from the last paragraph?

A. We can use it to open the curtains in the morning.

B. We can use it to turn down the heat when we leave.

C. We can use it to choose the best music.

D. We can use it to wash dishes.

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The light won’t go on unless we touch the sensor.

B. Calm technology will make our life more convenient.

C. People will depend more on smart phones in the future.

D. People won’t have to work because of calm technology.

