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Once upon a time, there was a 1.(勇敢的) man called Mike. One day, he went to the mountains and found a 2.(有魔力的) stone. He moved it and there was some money and treasures. He put them into his bag at once. Suddenly, he heard some noise far away. So he dug a hole on the 3.(地面) behind some trees and 4.(隐藏) the bag. When he did it well, some people with 5.(棍) came to him and asked him what he was doing. He 6.(微笑) and told them he wanted to catch animals but he didn't have one. He also said he found a smart 7.(猴子) in red clothes and ran to the east. The 8.(愚蠢的) people felt very strange. They all wanted to see the smart animal and they ran into the forest. After Mike 9.(欺骗) them, he took the bag to his 10.(妻子). They have had a good life since then.

