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Attitude Matters

Jerry was a manager of a restaurant. He was always in a good mood (情绪) and always had something______ to say. Sometimes when the waiters or cooks in the restaurant had a bad day, Jerry always came up with a smile, and helped them to look on the bright______.

One day a friend asked Jerry, “How can you be so positive (积极的) all the time?” He replied, “Every morning I tell myself that I have two _____— to be in a good mood or in a bad one. I always choose the good one. When something wrong happens, I can be sad and angry or I can learn instead I choose to learn Life is all about choices. You can’t stop bad things from happening, but you can _____your own attitude.”

One morning, Jerry left the restaurant s back door open and three robbers (抢劫犯) with guns broke in. When Jerry was asked to open the safe, he was so ____ that he couldn’t get the password correct. The robbers shot him in anger and hurried off. Luckily, Jerry was found and taken to hospital in time. After many hours of operation, Jerry was finally saved.

When he was asked what he was thinking during the accident, he said, “When lying on the floor, I _____the two choices. To live or to die? I chose to live. When I was in the hospital, the nurse asked me if I was allergic (对...过敏) to anything, I replied ‘Yes’. Then I took a deep breath and shouted, ‘Bullets (子弹)’. They started laughing and I said, ‘my choice is to live, so ______me as I am alive, not dead.’”

Thanks to the skills of the doctors, now Jerry is as well as before. However, his amazing _____ played an even more important role.

1.A. exciting B. surprising C. interesting D. encouraging

2.A. side B. list C. report D. light

3.A. plans B. choices C. dreams D. decisions

4.A. find B. keep C. decide D. follow

5.A. curious B. careless C. nervous D. impatient

6.A. remembered B. noticed C. valued D. regretted

7.A. help B. treat C. serve D. respect

8.A. words B. purpose C. actions D. attitude

