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The Phones We Love Too Much

We have a close relationship with our phones. We sleep with them, eat with them and carry them in our pockets.

But phone love can go too far — so far that it can reduce human love — between parents and children, wives and husbands, teachers and students, our friends and us.

“A key to a healthy relationship is being present,” said James Roberts, a famous writer. He says that many people are addicted to their smartphones and as if they can’t live without phones. When one partner keeps checking his or her phone, it means that they find the phone (or what’s on it) more interesting than you.

A 2016 study investigated(调查) 200 people about the influence of phones on their relationship. The result showed that 70 percent of them said that smartphones affected their primary relationship. More than one-third saidtheir partner would notice their phones while talking, one out of four said their partner send messages during conversations.

They may not know what to do about it, but they are willing to change. People turn off their phones when they are in class or at a meeting.

Here are some suggestions to leave your phone long enough to connect with your family.

●Set “no phone” areas in your home. With your family, decide which areas of your home, such as the living room and the kitchen, should be technology-free. And consider stopping phone use in the car so that you can use that time to talk to your family about whatever is on your mind.

●Buy some old-fashioned alarm clocks for your bedside table. Put your phones in a basket in the kitchen.

●Keep phones off the table. When you’re eating at home or in a restaurant, keep phones off the table. When a phone was present during a conversation, the partners usually feel less satisfied with their conversation than when phones were absent.

●Practice phone manners. If you must look at your phone, announce that you are doing so. “I am just checking the score/weather/playlist for two minutes,” shows sorry to your partner that you are aware that your attention is away. It may also make you more aware of how often you pick up your phone when your partner is present.

1.What is the purpose for the author to write this passage?

A. To warn people not to use smartphones any more.

B. To suggest people using smartphones properly and politely.

C. To encourage more people to use smartphones at conversation.

D. To show us the importance of smartphones in the modern world.

2.According to a 2016 survey, about     of the people being investigated said their partner would notice their phones while talking.

A. 200   B. 140   C. 70   D. 50

3.What does the author advise you to do if you must use your phone while talking to your partner?

A. Set “no phone” areas in your home   B. Buy an old-fashioned alarm clock

C. Keep phones off the table.   D. Practice phone manners.

4.What does the underlined word “are addicted to” in the third paragraph mean?

A. lose themselves in   B. show interest in

C. pay attention to   D. get along with

5.Which of the following sentences can be put at the beginning of the fifth paragraph?

A. Sadly, many people haven’t realized the problem.

B. However, the problem is more serious than we think.

C. Luckily, people are beginning to realize that something is wrong.

D. Anyway, many people have found different ways to solve the problem.

