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Dear Lexie,

We got to Venice early this morning. You wouldn't believe it. It's like a floating(漂浮的) city, and I'm afraid it will sink or something. My mom's calling me. Gotta go!


Hey, Mary,

Venice sounds great. I looked it up online. The buildings all look like castles (城堡) or something. I hope to go there one day.


Hi, Lex,

It's about 7 pm here, so what time is it there? Probably you're at school right now. We went to a big square called San Marco today. There's like a million pigeons(鸽子). A guy put bird food on his jacket, and all these birds landed on him. When he walked, all the pigeons stayed on him. I took a thousand pictures.


Hey, Mary,

The pigeon guy seems crazy. There's no way I'd let a number of pigeons stand on me. Yuck! I can't wait to see the pictures. Can you e-mail one to me? I'll take it in tomorrow and show Benny. He likes pigeons.


Hi, Lex,

My camera is old-fashioned, so I can't e-mail pictures. Today we went to museums. Every other building here is a museum. I think people here must be very artistic or something.


Hey, Mary,

Yeah. I read that Michelangelo lived there. Did you see him? Oh, never mind. He's dead. Well, did you see any art by him? We had a math test today. And there's a new kid in class. Her name is Sydney. She's cool. She's from California.



Tell me more about the new kid. Remember we're BFF, so don't get a new best friend. I'll be back on Saturday. Don't get a new BF before then, okay?


1.Who is on the vacation?

A.Lexie. B.Mary. C.Benny. D.Sydney.

2.What is San Marco?

A.A zoo in Venice. B.A city in California.

C.A big square in Venice. D.An art museum in California.

3.Mary did the following things in Venice EXCEPT _____________.

A.seeing pigeons on San Marco B.sending pictures to her friends online

C.visiting some art museums D.taking photos of interesting things

4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Lexie knows Venice because she has ever been there.

B.People may meet Michelangelo if they travel to Venice.

C.Mary is worried that Lexie might get a new best friend.

D.The new student in Lexie's class comes from Australia.

