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配对阅读 上传是五个人的信息,下栏是对七个公益项目的介绍。请为每个人选择合适的公益项目。

1. I like dancing very much. But my family is so poor that it can’t afford the dancing lessons for me.

2.I will retire(退休) at the end of this year. I have a lot of time but I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any partner to do things with me, either.

3.My parents left the countryside to find jobs in the cities. I live with my grandpa. There is nobody to play with me or help me with my study. I feel lonely.

4.I live in a mountain village. I have to walk a long way to my school in town. It takes about three hours and I often go to school without breakfast.

5. I am a young mother. I want to spend all my time with my baby and take good care of my baby.

A. Volunteers from this project will visit the empty nesters(空巢老人) from time to time and also give them some medical care.

B. This project offers free lectures to help young mothers. You can learn how to take good care of your babies here. You can also ask the expects for some helpful information.

C. This project provides free training for the old. You can learn square dance here and dance with many other old people.

D. This project offers money to help the poor children finish school. It will provide some books for them as well.

E. Volunteers from this project will go to left-behind children’s homes and help them with their study and play with them.

F. This project offers an egg and a box of milk as breakfast for the students from the poor mountain villages. They can also get some coats int he cold winter.

G. This project gives free lessons and training to children from poor families and helps them to develop their interest like singing and dancing and achieve their dreams.

