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Are you looking for a good novel? Here, we recommend(推荐)you the best selling of 2019.

Title:The Last Equation(方程式)

By:Stuart Gibbs

Reviewed By:Zara Lee

The police are looking for a special equation. It could destroy the world if the bad people get it. The police turn to Charlie, a 12-year-old girl for help. She is as smart as Albert Einstein. Charlie doesn't have a lot of time to solve the world's problems but she is the only one who can do it. People who like adventure will enjoy reading this wonderful book.

Title: AstroNuts

By: Jon Scieszka

Reviewed By:Richard Mani

In this book, the Earth has been full of rubbish because of humans. Some animals from Mount Rushmore decide to do something. Their mission is to find a new planet fit for human life. Eventually they discover one: Plant Planet. What the writer is trying to tell readers is simple: Do not harm the planet any more.


By:Jen Wang

Reviewed By:Nora Wilson

Moon is new in Christine's school. Christine hears that Moon beats people for fun. Unfortunately, Moon comes to live with Christine's family. And then the two children become best friends. Stargazing is written according to what truly happened to the writer as a child. The story is about the power of friendship and how people are able to change.

Title: Roll with it

By: Jamie Sumner

Reviewed By: Joe Lin

"Roll with It" is a story about a 12-year-old girl named Ellie. She has suffered from cerebral palsy since she was a baby. It makes her hard to walk on her own, so she has to use a wheelchair all the time. When Ellie and her mom move to another place, she must learn to explore a new school. This book is a must-read for everyone. It's a heartwarming story that shows the value of family.

1.What can Charlie do for the police in "The Last Equation"?

A.She can destroy the world B.She can stop the time.

C.She can find Albert Einstein. D.She can save the world

2.Who wrote the book based on his or her own experience?

A.Stuart Gibbs B.Jon Scieszka C.Jen Wang D.Jamie Sumner

3.If a reader cares about the pollution problem, he may be interested in "______".

A.The Last Equation B.AstroNuts C.Stargazing D.Roll with It

4.The underlined word "cerebral palsy" means "a kind of ______".

A.equipment B.illness C.furniture D.place

5.Joe Lin recommends "Roll with it" because ______.

A.it is the most expensive one among these books B.it is an interesting story about a new school

C.he knows everything about Ellie's family D.he is deeply touched by Ellie's story

6.On which website can readers most probably find this passage?

A.www. we-love-books. com B.www. movie-reviewing. com

C.www. the-wonderful-adventure. com D.www. friends-and-families. com

