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If you have some spare money, consider shopping for happiness. 1. There are several tips on what to look out for. A lifetime happiness shopping list might go like this:


Sometimes the key to happiness is how you get along with other humans. So if you are spending your spare money broadening or deepening relationships, that's a good way. Use money to attend a get-together or a friend's wedding.

Buy for your interests.

What's a happy experience for one person is not necessarily the same for another? Someone who mostly dines out should probably not use spare money to buy a fancy set of kitchen knives. 3. Maybe so. As people often say, ''beautiful tools make work a joy. ''

Buy discipline(纪律).

Want to improve your diet or health but have trouble getting up from your bed and taking action? Use your money. That might mean choosing an expensive gym that's more convenient.4. If you can make it easier to get yourself to do something you want to do, that's a good way to spend your money.

Buy solutions(解决办法).

It's also known as ''throw money at the problem'' or ''buy back time''. One that makes people happier is to feel they have control over their time and they are not doing boring things. So that could mean paying someone else to do yard work or using a full-service washer. 5. If you have a little money---probably because you sold your time to a boss---buy back time by paying for convenience.

A.Buy experiences

B.Buy better relationships.

C.How do you buy happiness?

D.But someone who loves to cook?

E.It's all about spending money or spending time.

F.Or you even can pay a trainer for personal training.

G.If your house is untidy, can you afford cleaning service?

