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Safety tips for taking the bus

Wait for the bus

Always arrive at your bus stop early. If the bus is late, please stay at the bus stop.

Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before you get on.

Make sure that you have your bus card or money ready before you get on !he bus.

Get on the bus

If you are on a bus with seatbelts, make sure to wear yours.

Make sure you know where the emergency exits are in case there is an emergency.

Do not run or jump on the bus.

Respect other people and their property.

1) Do not kick the seat in front of you.

2) Do not leave trash behind on the bus.

3) Treat the bus driver with respect.

Get off the bus

Remove your headphones before you get off the bus, as they can distract(使分心)you from being fully aware of your surroundings and potential danger.

Get off the bus in an orderly manner. Do not push or run.

Never cross the road in front of a bus. 

Cross the road after the bus has moved on and you can see clearly in all directions.

Please tell the bus driver if there is an emergency.

1.You'd better _____________ if the bus is late.

A.arrive at the bus stop early B.wait at the bus stop

C.leave the bus stop quickly D.run after the bus

2.According to the safety tips, when you get off the bus, you should _____________.

A.say goodbye to the bus driver B.cross the road in front of the bus

C.take off your headphones D.bring your bus card and money

3.Where might you find these safety tips?

A.At a bus stop. B.On the train. C.At a train station. D.On the underground.

