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How to make a vegetable garden for kids

Children love dirt! 1.! Ann Sanders of A Green Hand shared her step-by-step guide to creating a vegetable garden with your kid.


Ensure (确保) it gets a lot of sunlight and is near a water source and has the best soil. You want to make sure that your kid’s garden has all the essentials (必需品) needed to make a successful vegetable garden.

You can set your kid’s vegetable garden near your own garden. The best location though is in his place where he can pick a vegetable to eat while playing.

Allow your kid to choose the layout (布局) for his vegetable garden.

3.. To add color and excitement to your kid’s vegetable garden, you can help him plant some colorful flowers such as sunflowers.


To get your kid excited about his vegetable garden is to have him plant vegetables that are easy to grow. It helps a lot if you help him choose the right vegetables. Here are some easy-to-grow vegetables perfect for your kid’s vegetable garden: tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, and cucumber.

Allow your kid to use real tools and not plastic garden tools.

Small garden tools are not easy to find. 5.. However, by using real tools, your kid will feel that you are giving importance to his work and appreciating his vegetable garden.

A.Find an area that is suitable for your kid

B.Gardening is a perfect excuse to get dirty

C.Choose the right kinds of vegetables to plant

D.You should make sure these tools are safe plastics

E.Plant what they want to make the garden specially for their own

F.It may also be a challenge to find real tools that are safe for kids to use

G.Encourage your kid to use his creativity in designing his vegetable garden

