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It was raining heavily. I was ________to go for the physical training and was________at Fort Campbell, where the traffic was moving slowly. I was probably going to be late and growing more and more________. The speed slowed almost to zero as I________Memorial Grove, the site built to honor the soldiers who died in an airplane crash.________it was close to Memorial Day, a small national flag had been________in the ground next to each soldier’s memorial plaque (墓碑).

My________at the time was getting past the bottleneck, getting out of the rain and getting to the physical training on time. To my________, just as the traffic was getting started again, the car in front of me stopped. A soldier________in the pouring rain and ran over toward the Memorial Grove.

I couldn’t ________it! This stupid man was________everyone for no reason! I________sounding the horn (喇叭), with the purpose of________the same worry and anger in him.

He was getting completely________. He ran up to one of the memorial plaques,________the small national flag that had________and set it straight again. Then, he came to attention, took a(n)________salute (敬礼), ran back to his car and drove off.

I’ll never forget what happened that day. That soldier________me more about duty, honor, and respect. That simple salute-the act of________his dead brothers moved me. All the army values were contained in one gesture.

I am thankful for examples like that. I will remember all those who gave up their________for our motherland as well as the soldier who honored them in the heavy rain.

1.A.driving B.running C.walking D.riding

2.A.knocked B.checked C.warned D.caught

3.A.relaxed B.regretful C.impatient D.hungry

4.A.passed B.remembered C.left D.visited

5.A.Although B.Because C.Until D.Unless

6.A.found B.placed C.stored D.thrown

7.A.impression B.disappointment C.thought D.worry

8.A.anger B.sadness C.joy D.excitement

9.A.fell down B.stood still C.cheered up D.jumped out

10.A.allow B.believe C.explain D.change

11.A.cheating B.fooling C.preventing D.frightening

12.A.considered B.enjoyed C.practiced D.kept

13.A.causing B.reducing C.showing D.avoiding

14.A.astonished B.wet C.scared D.embarrassed

15.A.staredat B.held up C.put away D.picked up

16.A.flew in the air B.stood in the ground C.fallen to the ground          D.broken into pieces

17.A.interesting B.exhausting C.standard D.funny

18.A.taught B.promised C.brought D.served

19.A.visiting B.honoring C.helping D.imitating

20.A.rights B.duties C.dreams D.lives

