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As the founder of the ASPCA ( 美国防止虐待动物协会), Henry Bergh is considered to be a national hero. He made America a safer place for animals.

Henry Bergh was born in a rich family in New York City in 1813. When he was about fifty years old, he was offered a government job in Russia.

While in Russia, Henry Bergh saw that animals were treated badly. Because of his high position in the government, he had the power to order them to stop. It was then that he decided to give animals a better life in the United States.

Before returning to the USA, Henry Bergh met the Earl (伯爵) of Harrow by in London. The Earl of Harrow by supported animal rights and served as president of the RSPCA in England. After spending some time with the Earl, Henry Bergh had gained the knowledge that he needed to start his own animal protection organization and hurried home to introduce his idea to the American people.

In April 1866, Henry Bergh became successful in helping to pass the first law that made it illegal (违法的) to harm animals. A few days later, Henry Bergh started the ASPCA. He worked as the first president of the organization. Soon, the ASPCA became popular all over the country.

1.Henry Bergh set up the ASPCA to protect________.

A.women B.children C.plants D.animals

2.When did Henry Bergh probably go to Russia?

A.In 1853. B.In 1856. C.In 1863. D.In 1873.

3.Henry Bergh went to Russia to ________.

A.go sightseeing B.start his new job

C.meet the Earl of Harrow by D.learn about animal rights

4.Henry Bergh decided to make the USA a better place for animals after________ .

A.he saw animals were treated badly in Russia

B.he worked for a long time at the RSPCA in the USA

C.he got support from American people

D.he met the Earl of Harrow by in England

