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Daisy likes reading Modern Girl magazine because it often has a personality quiz (性格测试).These quizzes are questions about personal favorites. By answering the questions and reading the explanations (解释) of your score (得分), you can discover (发现)what kind of person you are.

Here is one of Daisy's quizzes. Give her 1 point for each (a) she chose (选择), 2 points for each (b) and 3 points for each (c).

1. I like spending my free time_________.

(a)with my family

√(b)with my friends

(c)on my own

2. If I have a problem, I would rather _______.

√(a)talk to my parents than talk to my friends

(b)talk to my friends than talk to my family

(c)deal with it by myself

3. I like to study________.

(a)at home with my family around

(b)with my friends

√(c)on my own

4. For my birthday, I would like to_________.

(a)be with my family

(b)have a party with lots of friends

√(c)go out with just my best friend

Score: (得分)

4~6: 你的家人对你来说是重要的。You enjoy being with friends but your family comes first.

7~9: You have lots of friends and like to have fun. You are close to your family but your friends are also important to you.

10~12: You probably have one or two close friends, but you'd rather relax with a good book than go to a party. You are independent (独立的) and happy to do things for yourself.

1.Why does Daisy like reading Modern Girl magazine?


2.What are the questions in the quiz about?


3.How many points is Daisy's score for this quiz?


4.What do you like to do if your score is 11?


5.Please translate “你的家人对你来说是重要的” into English


6.What is the passage about?


