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One day, some children were at play in their playground. Someone said loudly, "The King would come to the town!" The children stopped their play and said, "The King is coming. He may look over the wall and see our playground. We must clean it up!"

The playground was sadly dirty, and there were waste paper and broken toys in the corner. But now, all the children started to clean it up. They worked hard until all was clean and tidy. They still wanted to make the playground look fine because the King liked the fine things. When they finished their work, the playground was so beautiful that the children stood and looked at it, and clapped their hands with pleasure. "Let us keep it always like this!" said the youngest one; and the others cried, "Yes! Yes!"

They waited all day for the coming of the King, but he never came; until it was sunset (日落) time, a man with dirty clothes, and a kind, tired face passed along the road, and stopped to look over the wall. The sun shone on his hair. It looked like a crown of gold.

"What a nice place!" said the man. "May I come in and rest ( 休 息 ), dear children?" The children brought him in gladly and set him on the seat. They made like a throne (宝座). "It is our playground!" They said, "We made it pretty for the King, but he did not come, and now we mean to keep it so for ourselves. Because we think pretty and clean is nicer than ugly ( 丑陋的) and dirty! Also for tired people can rest in!"

1.How was the playground when the children heard about the King's coming?

A.Beautiful. B.Dirty. C.Fine.

2.What did the children do first?

A.Cleaned up the place.

B.Made the place look fine.

C.Made a seat like a throne.

3.When did the old man come to the town?

A.In the morning. B.At midnight. C.In the late afternoon.

4.Which of the following is true?

A.The children only wanted to keep their clean playground to themselves.

B.The children felt very good about their hard work on the playground.

C.The children did not like the dirty and tired old man.

5.What did the children learn from cleaning up the playground?

A.A clean and pretty playground was not necessary.

B.A clean and pretty playground was for the King.

C.A clean and pretty playground was nice for themselves and others.

