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A hobby is an activity we can do in our free time, so that we can keep ourselves busy with something that makes us happy. Hobbies are activities we choose to do, but not activities we have to do.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. For example, they are a way of connecting us with our inner(内部的) self. The time used to take up a hobby is our own time. This is the time when we can connect and communicate with ourselves. During this personal time, we can do whatever we like. Doing things according to our own wishes gives us a sense of inner satisfaction, and also helps develop self-confidence.

Hobbies also help discover talents. It is possible that we are interested in a certain activity, but have never had a chance to try it. If we develop our interest as our hobbies, it’s quite clear that we’ll do it with great interest. Our talents can be discovered, and this can make them feel more confident.

It’s human nature to try to know more about the things we like. When we pursue(追求) some activities as our favorite hobbies, we want to get more knowledge about the hobby. Whether it’s gardening, cooking, painting or collecting stamps, we always try to get a deeper understanding of what we’re doing, so that we can do it more correctly. What’s more, we also happen to meet people with similar tastes and sometimes. Besides getting knowledge, hobbies also provide us with a chance to meet people who share similar likes and dislikes with us.

Whatever our hobbies are, they can be developed at any age. However, if we begin at a young age, we can get more time to experience the joys.

1. do we take up hobbies?


Supporting details


Hobbies are activities we do in our spare time and can make us happy.

Hobbies are activities we do according to the 3. we make.


Connecting with the inner self

The time 4. on the hobby is our personal time when we can be free to do anything we like.

We’ll feel satisfied and become more confident.


We can learn a lot by trying some activities that we show 6. in.

We’ll be able to find our 7. talents.

Getting knowledge

When pursuing a hobby, we should try our best to 8. it well, and then we get a lot of knowledge.

We are also be 9. a chance to meet people who share similar likes and dislikes with us.


10. all hobbies can be developed at any age, yet it’s better to develop one when we are young.

