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For most kids, back-to-school time is usually bitter-sweet. The bitter part is saying goodbye to carefree, unscheduled summer days. The sweet part is saying hello to a new school year and school friends.

This exciting time is filled with smells of new books, paper and pencils. Children might wear a new set of clothes. And, of course, there are the first-day-of-school pictures that parents share with family and friends.

However, going back to school can also be a stressful time for children and families. Every kid must make the transition from easy summer life to routines, schedules and homework. Families will have financial concerns. Parents often need to pay school fees or to buy new school clothes, sports equipment, musical instruments and school supplies.

Back-to-school stress is different for different ages. Younger children may feel scared to leave their families. Making new friends and dealing with bullying can also cause stress for them. Older students may be stressed about their appearances, grades and getting into a good college.

However, parents, teachers and children can all help to make the transition back to school easier. Mary Anne Aidala, an award-winning teacher, advises parents to focus on the basics — let kids get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and turn off electronics before bedtime.

Lori Bambina has been a teacher for 22 years. She teaches first grade in NY now. According to her, routines and knowing what a teacher wants in the classroom help to reduce stress in kids. So, she focuses on the class routine during the start of the new school year. “Well, for the students, I have my classroom set up with a very clear system. So, I will introduce the system. Then I will revisit the system because at this young age they enjoy routines. And that routine is very comforting and will not cause them stress if they know exactly where things are located and what type of behavior is expected of them.”

1.Back-to-school time can be stressful for parents because ________.

A.teachers will set many challenging tasks for them

B.they don’t know how to reduce stress in their children

C.they need to organize everything well for their children

D.they have to spend a lot of money for the new school year

2.When older students go back to school, they may ________.

A.be unwilling to go to college B.be worried about their studies

C.be afraid to leave their parents D.have difficulty making friends

3.Lori Bambina believes students will feel less stressed ________.

A.the classroom is decorated beautifully B.teachers have low expectations of them

C.they know what they are expected to do D.they have a good relationship with teachers

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Causes of back-to-school stress B.Mixed feelings about going back to school

C.Getting school life back to normal D.Dealing with back-to-school stress

