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Man has invented four kinds of satellites.(人造卫星) The first kind of satellites studies the________of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they can________ oil or gold.

The second kind of satellites is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can________a message to the satellite and can find out________it is.

The third kind of satellites studies the weather. These satellites________clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They tell countries to make preparation(准备)when very________weather is coming. They________of the earth from thousands of miles above it and send the photos to weather stations on the ground.

________kind is used for communication. Telephone calls________ countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at one time. The call is sent to the satellite then the________sends it to a station in the country. These satellites also carry pictures; they can send about eight programs at a time.

1.A.physics B.chemistry C.geography D.biology

2.A.find B.buy C.choose D.send

3.A.write B.send C.take D.bring

4.A.what B.who C.how heavy D.where

5.A.watch B.drive C.stop D.push

6.A.fine B.cool C.bad D.sunny

7.A.take care B.draw pictures C.have a look D.take pictures

8.A.Others B.The others C.The last D.One

9.A.between B.at C.in D.of

10.A.film B.satellite C.telephone D.TV

