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One of the biggest enemies of smartphone batteries is the phones ’ screens. The screens keep getting bigger, and they need to keep bright for outdoor use. 1. But, a new OLED technology can increase brightness and energy efficiency ( 效率). The technology is being developed by a team at the Imperial College London. They’re using a special development process to produce OLEDs that give off polarized light  (偏振光).

So, what's that all meaning? Screens often include filters (滤光器) to help reduce unpleasant bright light from outside. 2. However, they also can prevent lots of the light from the screen itself. Any light that doesn’t make it to your eyes is basically wasted energy. By creating OLEDs that send out polarized light, the team can get the light from the OLEDs to pass through a polarized filter while light from outside will still get filtered by it.

For now, the technology doesn’t mean much for phones we have in our hands. Since it's still being researched, it's not likely to find its way for upcoming phones very soon. 3.

When it does, it would result in brighter screens and improved energy efficiency. Screens would not use the same amount of energy to produce bright light because none of it would be filtered out. 4.

And, that would mean much longer-lasting batteries for smartphones.

5. For example, smartwatches don't pack large batteries, so any efficiency improvement would have a strong benefit.

A.That means they will use more energy.

B.Plenty of phones already get a full day of life.

C.This technology can be used in other areas as well.

D.But it would finally be applied to consumers’ phones.

E.It can give OLED screens a huge step forward in competition.

F.The new technology can almost double the efficiency of screens.

G.These make it easier to see the light coming from your phone's screen.

