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The rules of surfing the Internet

Do you obey the rules while surfing the Internet?

Your Security Is Your Problem

You know there are signs in every parking garage saying they're not responsible for lost or stolen items in your vehicle. 1.

You're Speaking in n Public Forum(论坛)

Everything you post online is equal to posting it on the front page of the newspaper and delivering it to everyone around you. Some people may agree, and some may disagree. You may even strike a chord(引起共鸣)with enough people to start a movement. 2.Only say online what you're willing to say in front of your grandma.


The content of your posts matters, but so does where you're posting. The audience of a particular website may not agree with your particular message (or at least with the way you're presenting it), so be careful where you post.

Keep It Civil

Freedom of speech is important---everyone should have the right to say what they want, and a few people who abuse this freedom can't affect anyone. 4.This doesn't mean there aren't consequences to your words, however, so do with caution. Put forth the effort to be polite whether online or off.

You Should Be Anonymous

Anonymity(匿名)sounds like what some crazy hacker groups fill, but it's not. 5.The reason why we all support Anonymity is that we believe every human being deserves the basic human right of being anonymous. You should be anonymous too.

A.You can say whatever you want.

B.Whether You Agree or Not, Majority Rules.

C.The Internet works the same way.

D.Anonymity is an ideal supported by grown and successful adults and inventors in every industry.

E.It's Not Just What You Post, but Where.

F.You'll never clean up the Internet, and it's not even worth trying.

G.You can't control what people do with your message, but you can control your message.

