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A policeman saw a car driving along Route 22 at 22 MPH(时速22英里). He thought, “It is very dangerous because the driver breaks the speed limit(限制) !” So he _______ the driver. The policeman _______that there were five old women in it. The driver asked the policeman, “Sir, I’m keeping to the speed limit! What is the _______ ?” “Madam,” the policeman answered, “you aren’t speeding, but driving much _______than the speed limit can also be dangerous to _______drivers.”

“No, sir, I was really driving at the speed limit—twenty-two miles an hour!” the woman said.

The policeman told her that 22 was the route(路线) _______ the speed limit. 

The woman was a bit _______ .She smiled and _______the policeman for pointing out her mistake(错误).

“But _______ I let you go, Madam, I have to ask... is everyone in your car OK? These women seem too ________and they haven’t said a word all the time,” the policeman said.

“Oh, they’ll be all right in a minute, sir. We just got off Route119.”

1.A.pushed B.stopped C.chose

2.A.found B.agreed C.felt

3.A.decision B.suggestion C.trouble

4.A.faster B.longer C.slower

5.A.other B.others C.another

6.A.far from B.because of C.instead of

7.A.excited B.surprised C.worried

8.A.left B.liked C.thanked

9.A.after B.before C.if

10.A.afraid B.angry C.happy

