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Next time you go shopping, keep in mind that there may be hidden cameras analyzing your habits. According to a 2015 survey of 150 managers from Computer Services Corporation, a quarter of British shops use facial recognition software to collect data on shopper behavior.

With concerns that face-recognition cameras“ are kind of invasive(冒犯的)”, British analysis firm Hoxton Analytics has come up with a new way of measuring footfall (客流)—by filming people's shoes. The technology can collect a large amount of personal information. "We have cameras at 50 cm off the ground and they point down so they are less invasive than facial recognition," Duncan Mann, Hoxton's officer said.

As modern cities get fuller—70 percent of the population will live in urban areas by 2050—cameras and other technologies are taking over public spaces and collecting our data. Their purpose is to keep people safe, provide efficient services and prevent disasters and crimes.

But some are not happy with the cameras as far as their privacy(隐私) is concerned. "Very few of us have any real concept of what data smart cities are gathering," said Renate


We begin giving away data as soon as we wake up. When we enter the transport system, we are giving away even more details about ourselves through smart cards, mobile phones or credit cards.

Nick Millman, director at a consulting firm thinks statistics are the key to the privacy concern. He used the example of Google Maps, which is to monitor the flow of traffic in Stockholm. He explained, "It is basically adding privacy controls to statistics so that you only see the data you need to know about". In this case, Google gets enough data to improve traffic but not so much that it shows individual journey patterns.

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. An introduction to collecting shoppers' data.

B. The concerns about giving away personal data.

C. The problems caused by imbalanced distribution of population.

D. An invention recording and collecting customers' information.

2.The new technology invented by Hoxton Analytics_______.

A. can gather a lot of people's personal data from their shoes

B. uses cameras fitted on the ground to collect customers' data

C. has improved the accuracy of facial recognition software

D. offers a perfect solution to customers' privacy concerns

3.According to the author, cameras in modern cities_______.

A. cause a huge waste of public space

B. help reduce the size of population in urban areas

C. are likely to help improve traffic conditions

D. are to avoid crimes and disasters and provide efficient services

4.What is Renate Samson's attitude toward the rise of smart cities?

A. Worried.

B. Optimistic.

C. Confused.

D. Uninterested.

