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Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess who like to play alone in the forests. One day _______ she was playing with her golden ball, it rolled(滚动) into a lake. The water was so _______that she could not see the ball. The princess was very sad. She cried out, "I would give anything _______ have my golden ball back!"

Suddenly a large ugly frog(青蛙) appeared out of the water. “_______?” he croaked(呱呱的叫). The princess _______ him with distaste(讨厌). “Yes,” she said. “I would give anything.”

“I will get your golden ball,” said the frog. “In return(作为回报), you _______ take me back to the castle. You must let me eat from your golden _______ and live with you.” “Whatever you want,” said the princess. She thought the frog was very ugly, _______ she wanted her golden ball.

The frog dove(潜水)down and _______ the ball back to the princess. She put the frog in the ________ of her coat and took him home. “He is ugly,” the princess said. “But a promise is a promise. And a princess always ________her word.”

However, when the princess changed her clothes, she forgot all about the frog. That evening, she heard somebody ________ her door. Then she heard a ________."Oh, no!" said the princess. "I forgot about the frog!’’ She ran to the door to open it and a handsome prince(王子) stepped in.

"________ are you?" asked the princess. "I am the frog you met at the lake." said the handsome prince. "I was turned into a frog one hundred years ago by a wicked (邪恶的) lady. They said only a beautiful princess could help me. ________ I met you. You are a little forgetful(健忘的), but you did keep your word!"

1.A.if B.when C.because D.though

2.A.clear B.tidy C.deep D.low

3.A.in order to B.as a result C.so that D.instead of

4.A.Something B.Nothing C.Everything D.Anything

5.A.looked after B.looked for C.looked through D.looked at

6.A.can B.may C.must D.should

7.A.plate B.cup C.bottle D.box

8.A.or B.and C.but D.so

9.A.bought B.brought C.lent D.drove

10.A.wallet B.cover C.glove D.pocket

11.A.keeps B.breaks C.leaves D.shares

12.A.putting on B.trying on C.living on D.knocking on

13.A.sound B.noise C.voice D.saying

14.A.Who B.When C.Where D.How

15.A.Unluckily B.Luckily C.Sadly D.Exactly

