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Once upon a time, there was a big lion who lived in a zoo. One day, he was very hungry. When Bill, the keeper, gave him his dinner, he ate it up quickly. Quite by mistake he ate up the keeper, too.When it was time for lunch, Bill did not show up. So the other keepers sat down to eat, still wondering why young Bill was not there.

Suddenly there came a loud sound from the Lion House. They went to see what was the matter. There they found the big lion lying on the ground looking very big and fat and not at all happy. The keepers looked at one another and all of them said at once, “Of course! The big lion has swallowed (吞下)poor Bill. They got a bottle of brown medicine. Then they put the big lion to sleep for the operation. They cut up the front of his belly(肚子).Out jumped Bill, looking quite all right.

They sewed(缝) the big lion up. When the lion woke up, he felt well again.

1.Why did the lion swallow Bill?

A. Because he was too hungry.   B. By mistake.

C. Because Bill made him wait too long   D. Because he was very angry.

2.When did the others find Bill’s absence(不见了)?

A. As soon as he was swallowed.   B. At lunch time

C. At supper time   D. After the lion took his medicine

3.Who found the accident?

A. The visitors   B. A man   C. A woman   D. Bill’s companions.(同事)

4.How did the people help Bill out ?

A. They made the lion take some medicine   B. They killed the lion

C. They cut up the front of his belly   D. Both A and C.

5.When Bill was out, he ________.

A. was found dead   B. was badly injured(受伤)   C. was found half dead   D. was all right

